

New York und seine heißen Dinger. Im Fahrwasser der Strokes brütet die florierende Musikszene der Stadt mit den vier Liars innerhalb eines Jahres einen …



  1. 1. Broken witch
  2. 2. Steam rose from the lifeless
  3. 3. There's always room on the broom
  4. 4. It your a wizard then why do you wear glasses?
  5. 5. We fenced other gardens with the banes of our own
  6. 6. They don't want your corn - They want your kids
  7. 7. Read the book that wrote itself
  8. 8. Hold hands & it will happen anyway
  9. 9. They took 14 for the rest of our lives
  10. 10. Flow my team the spider said

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