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Soil verunglückt

Am Wochenende verunglückte schon der nächste Tourbus. Nun traf es die Band Soil. Glücklicherweise kamen diesmal alle Beteiligten unverletzt davon. Sänger Ryan McCombs hat nach dem ersten Schrecken seinen Humor inzwischen wieder gefunden. Auf Instagram postete er:

"At 4:33 AM the last thing you want to hear in your bunk is a combination of the driver yelling 'HOLD ON!!', the sound of the bus flying off of the highway and The Jake (tour manager) screaming like a 12 year old girl at a Justin Beiber concert. I find it interesting that as everyone sits around the stranded bus talking about what was going through their heads all I can remember is gripping my pillow like it was going to save me from whatever was about to occur and thinking '....huh....' No serious injuries. Just a bus full of arseholes that for the most part are happy to be alive and now just making fun of each other for their responses. We really are a bunch of fu*kwads..."

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