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The Disaster Artist 2.0

Als Beweis dafür, dass er seinen Niedergang selbst orchestriert, zeigte Threatin BBC-Autorin Jessica Lussenhop Screenshots von E-Mails, die er unter dem Namen 'E. Evieknowsit' angeblich zu Beginn der Europatour, zwischen dem 2. und 7. November, also bevor alles aufflog, an diverse Medienhäuser (u.a. MetalSucks, Huffington Post, Rolling Stone, New York Times, The Guardian und BBC) geschickt hatte. Darin steht:

"The musician going by the name Threatin is a total fake. He faked a record label, booking agent, facebook likes, and an online fanbase to book a European tour. ZERO people are coming to the shows and it is clear that his entire operation is fake. Please don't let this man fake his way to fame... Please expose him."

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